Therefore as members of the WRC, we individually pledge ourselves to these standards of ethical behavior. We shall strive to:
 reflect the highest principles of honesty, integrity, quality in the products or services we provide and recognize the legal rights of others.
 accept the challenge to search for and develop high-quality computer products and services that will meet the unique and changing needs of research.
 test the quality and usefulness of a product before releasing it to our clients, believing that it is the best method for promoting the quality of our industry.
 train and hire competitive ideas and support people who will promote the betterment of research.

Main strategy

The World Research Council’s main strategy for 2015–2025 takes its point of departure in two overarching challenges: Society must expand its innovation capacity, in both the private and the public sectors, and it must enhance sustainability in all areas.

The strategy Research for Innovation and Sustainability sets out the guidelines for the Research Council’s activities for the period from 2015 to 2020.

Six objectives

The strategy has been designed to deal with societal challenges requiring strong, pioneering research environments that are able to compete and develop within an international framework. As part of the effort to deal with these challenges, six objectives have been defined for the strategy period:

  • increase investment in breakthrough research and innovation;
  • enhance research for sustainable solutions in society and the business sector;
  • cultivate a more research-oriented, innovative business sector;
  • promote a public sector that initiates and implements research in reform and renewal efforts;
  • increase international cooperation and participation in EU initiatives;
  • serve as a strategically-oriented research council that facilitates coherence and renewal in the research system.

The strategy describes key action points for the Research Council relating to these six objectives. These involve strengthening and further developing ongoing activities as well as introducing new activities. The action points will also be instrumental in activities to follow up the Government’s Long-term plan for research and higher education.

Supplementary policy documents

The main strategy provides the platform for the Research Council’s various strategy and policy documents in key areas. These provide a more in-depth specification of the Research Council’s ambitions is key priority areas. Please see these strategy plans for more details about the individual areas presented in the main strategy.